T-ara’s Jiyeon and Hwang Jae-gyun: Debunking Divorce Rumors with Clarity

T-ara's Jiyeon and Hwang Jae-gyun smiling together, debunking divorce rumors

In the fast-paced world of entertainment and sports, rumors can spread like wildfire. Recently, whispers about a possible divorce between T-ara's Jiyeon and professional baseball player Hwang Jae-gyun have captured headlines and social media feeds alike. However, amidst the speculation and sensationalism, a close associate of Jiyeon has stepped up to debunk these rumors as completely groundless.

The controversy began innocently enough during a radio broadcast of a baseball game on KNN. Commentators casually mentioned rumors of Hwang Jae-gyun's divorce, citing unspecified personal issues affecting his performance on the field. This passing remark was enough to ignite a storm of online gossip, fueled further by Jiyeon’s recent social media announcement regarding a temporary hiatus from her YouTube channel due to personal reasons.

Jiyeon and Hwang Jae-gyun, who exchanged vows in December 2022, have consistently shared their happiness with fans, offering glimpses into their life together. Despite their openness, the rumor mill spun out of control, especially following a recent on-field incident involving Hwang Jae-gyun that drew criticism and sparked negative attention toward Jiyeon on social media.

Thankfully, clarity emerged when Jiyeon’s former agency representative clarified to Xports News on June 25th: "After checking with Jiyeon regarding the divorce rumors, they are not true." This statement serves as a firm rebuttal to the baseless speculations that have caused unnecessary distress among their supporters.

As Jiyeon prepares to resume her online presence, let's celebrate the resilience of their relationship and stand by them as they navigate the challenges of public scrutiny. While rumors may swirl, the truth remains steadfast—love and commitment endure amidst the noise of gossip.

Stay tuned for more updates and positive moments from Jiyeon and Hwang Jae-gyun as they continue to build their future together. Remember, behind every rumor lies a real story, and in this case, it’s a testament to the strength of their bond against all odds.

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