Alex Brightman Returns: From School of Rock to Shakespeare's Stage

In the realm where melodies meet monologues, there's a familiar face making waves once again. Yes, you guessed it right - none other than the versatile Alex Brightman! From igniting the Broadway stage as the irrepressible Dewey Finn in "School of Rock" to now gracing the illustrious Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, DC, Brightman's journey through the realms of music and literature continues to captivate audiences far and wide. Join us as we delve into his latest adventure, where he trades power chords for Shakespearean prose, proving yet again that his talent knows no bounds.

In merry ol' D.C., a tale unfolds, With actors so bright, their talent behold. Alex Brightman and David Fynn, a duo of delight, From School of Rock, they shine so bright!

As Dewey they rocked, in musical's prime, Now onto Shakespeare, a comedic climb. In The Comedy of Errors, they'll take the lead, A merry chaos, a hilarious deed!

As Dromios they'll jest, in Simon Godwin's reign, From September to October, they'll entertain. With antics and laughter, they'll fill the stage, In this timeless tale, they'll set the gauge.

But wait, there's more, to this season's lore, A lineup so grand, it leaves us in awe. Matthew Broderick, Tom Stoppard, and more, Each bringing their magic, to the theatre floor.

Babbitt, Leopoldstadt, and Devils alike, Kunene and Uncle, a theatrical hike. And who could forget, the classic tale spun, Emily Burns's Frankenstein, under the sun.

So mark your calendars, and save the date, For a season of wonder, that's truly great. With details to come, in months yet to pass, Shakespeare Theatre Company, raises its glass! 🎭📜

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